Wednesday 19 September 2018 -
18:00 to 20:00

Jetlag is a travelogue series event that originated in Durban in 2016. Predicated on the view that artists and creatives observe and engage with cities from interesting perspectives, it is therefore interesting to view cities from their perspectives. This is done through a presentation style format where each speaker holds a 15 minute slot to present on their recent travel abroad for residencies, research or develop a body of work or other professional affairs.

Jetlag departs from its home-ground to touch down in Harare, hosted by the Njelele Art Station. The Harare edition will feature the following artists;
Blessing Fire - London 
Josh Chiundiza - Johannesburg 
Joyce Jenje- Makwenda - Detroit
Nancy Mteki - Weimar 
Stephanie Kapfunde - London
Valerie Sithole - Venice