What is MRCP (UK)?
The MRCP (UK) Diploma is required for physicians wishing to undergo training in a medically-related specialty in the UK. The MRCP(UK) examinations play an essential role in the overall educational experience and continuing professional development of physicians in the UK and internationally.
MRCP(UK) offers the following postgraduate medical qualifications for doctors who are preparing for higher specialist training on behalf of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow and the Royal College of Physicians of London.
MRCP(UK) Diploma
12 Specialty Certificate Examinations (SCEs)
The Specialty Certificate Examinations (SCEs) are an opportunity to measure your knowledge against an internationally recognised benchmark, which represents the breadth and depth of knowledge required of a newly qualified specialist in your chosen discipline. These are a requirement in the UK for specialist physicians.